Types of Surgery & Endoscopy
The Liver Centre WA in Perth offers various types of procedures. Our surgeons either use open surgery, laparoscopic surgery, or endoscopy as a technique. As a team of specialist surgeons, we first focus on providing you with a detailed and comprehensive diagnosis. Then we help you understand your treatment options and we support you with a treatment plan that includes a high level of care, comfort and support.
Types of Surgery
Open Abdominal Surgery
Open abdominal surgery will be advised by your surgeon, when exposure and access is critical to achieve the best surgical outcomes. For example, a patient who undergoes very complex cancer operations, or a patient with adhesions due to previous abdominal surgeries, will often hear their surgeon exclude the use of the laparoscopic surgery technique.
With an open surgery, an incision is made into your skin and abdominal muscles to expose the area where the surgery will be performed. The size and the shape of the incision will depend on your condition. This access is called a laparotomy.

Our surgeons and anaesthetists at The Liver Centre WA commit to delivering excellent surgical outcomes and care about your comfort. In an effort to reduce pain after your surgery, they will use the latest advancements in pain control such as an epidural anaesthesia. Other techniques we use to minimise your discomfort are “Painbusters” or a PCA (Patient Controlled Analgesia).
Surgeons, anaesthetists and the hospital pain management team work together and it’s our mission to support you and reduce discomfort.
About Us
At The Liver Centre WA we work as a team of expert surgeons, as well as hepatologists, gastro-enterologists and accredited dietitians.
Laparoscopic Surgery
During your initial consultation, your surgeon will discuss the treatment options that are suitable for your condition. Laparoscopic surgery involves making several small incisions in the abdomen. Gas is then used to distend the abdomen, to create space for the operation. Your surgeon uses a laparoscope, which has a video camera attached, to examine the area with visual references on a monitor. Specialised keyhole instruments are inserted to perform the operation.

Laparoscopic surgery has many benefits. Compared to open surgery the incisions are much smaller, which allows you to heal quicker. Because the incisions are smaller, you will experience lower levels of pain compared to an open surgery, and your stay at the hospital will be shorter too. Your return to work or normal activities is faster.
At The Liver Centre WA, we know that surgery and treatment impact your daily routine, your personal life and your career. That’s why we will discuss your personal needs and preferences with you as we create the most effective, most comfortable and most suitable treatment plan together.
Types of Endoscopy
An endoscopy is a minimally invasive procedure to view and intervene within the organs of the digestive system, such as the stomach and large bowel. Your surgeon or gastroenterologist inserts an endoscope (flexible camera) through an opening in the body, such as the mouth or through the anus. At The Liver Centre WA in Perth we perform both gastroscopies and colonoscopies.
With a gastroscopy our doctors examine the upper digestive tract which includes the oesophagus, the stomach and duodenum (the first part of small intestine where food arrives from the stomach). Usually we use this technique to examine the causes of gastrointestinal conditions such as reflux, or to clarify the causes of abdominal pain such as an ulcerative disease.
The procedure is usually done with a light anaesthetic (which is different from a general anaesthetic). The anaesthetic will put you to sleep so you won't remember the procedure. The procedure will normally take about 20-30 minutes and you will be transferred to the recovery unit to “wake-up” from the anaesthetic. Most patients will go home on the same day as the procedure.

A Colonoscopy is a procedure using a flexible camera to examine the large bowel. There are many reasons to perform this procedure: such as investigating the causes of gastrointestinal bleeding, polyps, cancers and conditions which cause inflammation of the colon.
When your doctor detects abnormal growths, these may be removed entirely using the endoscope, or a smaller biopsy may be taken for further examination under the microscope.
At the time of the procedure, we will give you a light anaesthetic to make you feel relaxed and drowsy. The test takes about 20 to 30 minutes and you will most likely go home on the same day. A colonoscopy procedure does not cause any pain. Mild discomfort from abdominal bloating could occur, but it usually resolves by itself.
Your doctor will discuss this with you, and will also point out all other aspects of your treatment: the main focus of our team is always to ensure your comfort and to achieve the best possible outcome for you. You can count on our total commitment in supporting you with accurate information and offering genuine care throughout your treatment journey.

Why The Liver Centre WA?
We consider it our daily mission to not just provide excellence in surgical outcomes, but also in patient care. What that means for us? It starts with being present and offering clear communication about your condition, your diagnosis, the treatment options and the various steps in your treatment plan. It also means that we focus on offering you genuine care and the highest levels of kindness and support. At The Liver Centre WA in Perth, we are ready to help you and we never give up on your health.
We welcome your enquiry
Consulting at
McCourt St Medical Centre
Level 1, Suite 10, 2 McCourt Street
Monday - Thursday 8.30am - 4.30pm
Fridays clinics & theatre run in Northam on a monthly basis